Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Advice De Jour

In class we have about 2 speakers a day that come to pass their wisdom down to us wide eyed film students. Its usually the same old same old saying, "to get anywhere in the biz you need to start at the bottom and be driven" blah blah blah. They even have catchy sayings like " the industry is a crazy ride and you just need to get on." Very profound of course and we are lead to believe that this philosophy only pertains to the film industry because there is only the film industry. If you aren't in the film industry, I am sorry but you are not important and why are you all named Joe Blow?

The advice so far has been interesting to say the least. I have been advised that if you are an AD (assistant director) then everything is your fault. Thank God I didn't get AD as a result from "my what I should be when I grow up" test. I have also been advised to not take pictures of celebrities or I will get kicked out of the program. They forgot to mention that at orientation. Finally I have been strongly encouraged to not do drugs because it will affect my work and I have been strongly encouraged to DO drugs because it will affect my work. Can't really make heads or tails of that one, but I know somewhere in the United States my father is jumping up and down yelling, "I TOLD YOU SO!"

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